Soumodip Sarkar



Soumodip Sarkar, former Vice President (Vice-President/Chancellor) of the University of Évora, Portugal, is a Full Professor at the Department of Management, University of Évora, Portugal, and researcher at CEFAGE-UE. He is currently also a Fellow of the Asia Center at Harvard University. He is also the Executive President of the regional Science Park (PACT), where is currently engaged also in in promoting an entrepreneurial ecosystem in the region. This involves setting up three more new buildings and related infrastructure, as well as attracting international startups and companies to the region, and connecting them to the regional extant knowhow in the University and three polytechnics of the region. He is also the Scientific Coordinator of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)_Portugal.
Prof Sarkar ambitions to make his research impactful, and his current research interests are focused on how limited resources need not be a binding constraint in entrepreneurship, as well as on technology for change (AI, Cryptocurrencies and the Metaverse). His research has been published in numerous high impact journals. His more recent research has been published in high impact journals such as: International Journal of Hospitality Management; Academy of Management Perspectives, Thunderbird International Business Review, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Operations Management; IEEE-TEM; Government Information Quarterly, Regional Studies, Scientometrics, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Small Business Management, European Management Journal, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Technology Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Business Research, Service Business, Sustainability, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Knowledge Economy, European Journal of Innovation Management, Service Industries Journal, Trends in Food Science and Technology, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Energy Journal among others. He has published four books on entrepreneurship and
innovation, and his most recent book, EntreSutra was published by Bloomsbury in April 2019. He has been a coordinator as well as team member of a number of international (EU funded) as well as regional projects, and currently involved in nine different projects.
He has coordinated several international (EU funded) projects. Prof Sarkar is a frequently involved international keynote speaker and sought after particularly on the relevance of entrepreneurship and innovation in society. In 2008, he was nominated by the McKinsey_WEF as one of the most influential scholars on innovation. He has been featured in national and international media, including the Economist
and BBC.



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